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ArtandCulture, Austria

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Hofburg Imperial Palace
Vienna's Imperial Palace is one of the biggest palace complexes in the world. The oldest parts date to the 13th century, with construction having continued right into the 20th century. The Imperial Palace was the residence and seat of government of the Habsburg emperors until 1918. Today, it is home to numerous museums with outstanding collections, the Spanish Riding School, a congress center, the seat of the Austrian Federal President as well as the historic Heldenplatz.
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The Belvedere is not only a magnificent Baroque palace but also houses one of Austria's most valuable art collections – with key works by Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), successful general and art connoisseur, had Belvedere garden palace built by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt as his summer residence – at the time it was still outside the gates of the city. This baroque architectural jewel consists of two palaces (Upper and Lower Belvedere), which today house Austrian art from the Middle Ages to the present day. The heart of the Belvedere collection is formed by the 24 paintings of Gustav Klimt with his golden images "The Kiss" and "Judith". Klimt's "The Kiss" in particular is world-famous. The 180 x 180 cm painting was created in 1908/09 and shows Klimt and his friend Emilie Flöge as a couple in love. "The Kiss" is probably Austria's most famous work of art. Klimt's portraits of women also impress and be marveled at in the Upper Belvedere.
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Vienna Ringstrasse
The most beautiful boulevard in the world is home not only to many of Vienna's best-known sights, such as the Imperial Palace, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Natural History Museum, the Vienna State Opera and Parliament. Magnificent palaces, extensive parks and important monuments also line the "display window" of the former Danube monarchy. Vienna's Ringstrasse is 5.3 kilometers long. Long enough to provide space for numerous monumental buildings, which were built during the period of Historicism in the 1860s to 1890s. Today, the buildings that stand there – from the Vienna State Opera to the Museum of Fine Arts – are among the most important sights in the city of Vienna. Nobles and rich citizens hurried to build pompous palaces along this magnificent boulevard. Many of these former private homes can still be admired today (mostly, however, only from the outside). The style in which the buildings were built went down in history as the Ringstrasse style (a type of Historicism). It is marked by a pluralism of styles: numerous architectural forms of previous epochs were imitated.
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The Roman Museum Vindobona
The Wien Museum enables us to travel back in time to the Vienna of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. In the Roman Museum on the Hoher Markt in the 1st district of Vienna you can admire Vindobona. Visitors will be able to experience ancient Vienna with all their senses through digital reconstructions. Combined with the remaining remains of the tribune houses and the 300 exhibits in the basement, a fascinating insight into the daily lives of the soldiers and inhabitants of Vindobona is provided. The 300 exhibits of the permanent exhibition were supplemented with digital reconstructions. At various gaming stations, animation films about the supply of Vindobona, replicas for attacking and a Playmobil® legionary camp are presented.
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Vienna State Opera
The Vienna State Opera is one of the top opera addresses in the world – where you can enjoy the very best in first-class productions. This famous stage offers a different program every day, with over 50 operas and ballet works on around 300 days per season. At the Vienna Opera Ball, the Vienna State Opera is transformed into the world’s most famous ballroom. The committee, consisting of approximately 150 pairs of young men and women in white ball gowns and tails, ensures a glamorous opening of the Opera Ball.
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Egon Schiele Museum
The former city prison of Tulln opened in 1990 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Egon Schiele as the first museum dedicated exclusively to the life and work of the artist. To date yearly 6000 visitors come from all over the world to get an idea of the artistic beginnings of Egon Schiele. The partly preserved prison cells pose challenges for the design of exhibitions, but also contribute to the distinctive ambience of the museum. A specially furnished studio in the attic allows guests of all ages, not only to look at pictures, but also to create them.
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Kunsthistorisches Museum
Here you can see what the Habsburg Emperors collected - such as the world’s largest collection of paintings by the famous Bruegel in the picture gallery, marble statues and gold treasures in the antiquities collection, or mummies and grave goods from the empire of the Pharaohs in the Egyptian-Oriental collection. There are also ancient statues of mythical beasts to admire, while anyone interested in finding out how the children were dressed in the Spanish court 300 years ago should take a close look at the masterpieces by Velázquez.
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Burg Rabenstein
Anything but antiquated, this impressive castle towers over the Mur river valley. This extraordinary event centre, located close to the river Mur cycle route, is open all year and accessible to the public from April to October on. Access to the castle by means of the Atlantis-Shuttle is a unique experience, offering fantastic views of the surroundings. A state-of-the-art energy supply system in the form of a heat pump highlights the successful marriage of history and modern technology.
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Graz Clock Tower
The fortified medieval tower got its present shape around 1560. And its characteristic wooden gallery as a fire station. Three bells are ringing from the Clock Tower. Three coats of arms decorate the walls. A tower on this spot of the hill was first mentioned in the 13th century. When the fortress was reconstructed in the middle of the 16th century, the tower was given its present shape. The hands on the huge clockfaces often confuse people. Is the clock out of order? No. The fact that originally there were only long hands for the hours which could be seen from the distance, and that those for the minutes were added only later caused the "swapping" of the hands.
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A knight’s tale of passion? Certainly fitting for some of the warriors in shining armour. At the Landeszeughaus armoury of Graz, standing in rank and file are the armour and weapons of valiant warriors of the Middle Ages. The special historical setting and sheer number of collector’s items make a visit to the Graz armoury a treat not to be missed. Marvel at an unbelievable 32,000 exhibits arranged on four floors, where many a visitor, large or small, drifts into dreams of heroic sagas of times past.
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Kunsthaus Graz Art Museum
Whilst it’s not common for existing, traditional urban buildings to sit so perfectly next to breathtaking new architecture, with the setting of this museum of contemporary art in Graz it’s definitely the case. The Kunsthaus floats like a mysterious blue balloon between the roofs of the historic city centre. Named friendly alien by its creators, its fascinating magic draws visitors in. Sometimes dreams come true. As the dream about a Kunsthaus in Graz. The site was a good choice. The right bank of the river Mur, so far a more or less neglected part of the city. The neighbourhood: the Eisernes Haus (Iron House), a nearly forgotten, as hardly visible, formerly bold cast-iron construction built by Graz architect Josef Benedict Withalm in 1848.
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Landhaus Courtyard
What a perfect place for a party! The inevitable thought if you step into the Landhaushof in Graz. Taking in the Renaissance surroundings of this inviting location immediately conjures up colourful images of people enjoying festivities. Here in the summer, flowers decorate the magnificent arcades and, at Advent, the celebrated ice nativity scene finds a perfect setting. In between, concerts, theatre and indeed all manner of festivities take place in the splendid atmosphere of the Landhaus courtyard. A touch of Northern Italy in Herrengasse, right in the centre of Graz? In fact, the Landhaus is reminiscent of some Venice palazzo. In 1557, the Italian architect Domenico dell’Allio started to construct a prestigious building for the Styrian estates. It still is the provincial parliament of Styria.
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The Glockenspiel in the eponymous square in Graz leads the way. A sweet maiden and hearty lad clad in traditional costume pirouette three times a day (11.00, 15.00 & 18.00) up in the gable of the building on Glockenspielplatz square. The mechanism’s cheerful 24 bells play three different melodies. A charming, romantic show beyond compare. Enchanted and each with a spring in their step and a smile on their face, lucky viewers head off once the last note dies away. In 1884 the spirits producer Gottfried Maurer bought a house in then "Fliegenplatzl" square. On his journeys to North Germany and Belgium the businessman got to know carillons and had one installed in his house in Graz. On Chrismas Eve in 1905, the 24 bells in the iron roof turrent chimed for the first time. In 1929 Gottfried Maurer bequeathed the carillon to the city of Graz, conditional on its continued existence.
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The Mausoleum
An imperial place of rest next to the Dom. Turquoise domes stand out against the blue sky above the Mausoleum and, together with the Dom and Katharinenkirche church, define one of the city’s magnificent views. You could almost have been whisked away to the lands to the south, given how this ensemble enchants any visitor with more than just a hint of Florentine flair. Here in Graz, Emperor Ferdinand II had his court artist Giovanni Pietro de Pomis lay out the impressive tomb. The so-called Stadtkrone ("Crown of the Town") of Graz comprises such important buildings as the Cathedral, the Burg, the Old University and today's Seminary (former Jesuit college). But it is the domescape of the Mausoleum which also visually crowns the city.
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Burg & Double Spiral Staircase
Separation and reconciliation. Even official architecture can harbour surprises. The Burg in Graz, official headquarter of the regional government, is a real gem. Centuries of reconstruction have yielded interesting elements of the Gothic, Renaissance and Biedermeier eras. Particularly striking is the double spiral staircase, seeming almost like an optical illusion. This “staircase of reconciliation” consists of two opposing spiral stairs, which merge briefly on each floor, part and then rejoin.
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Mozart Birthplace
W. A. Mozart was born in 1756 in the “Hagenauer Haus” at No. 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg. Today, Mozart’s Birthplace is one of the most visited museums in Austria and is an absolute highlight, above all for Mozart fans. The museum invites you to take a tour lasting about an hour through original rooms. Also amble through a middle-class apartment reconstructed as authentically as possible. Discover items of everyday life as well as furniture from the 18th century, and feel as if you have personally been transported back to the days of Mozart! Original certificates, letters and memorabilia document Mozart’s life in Salzburg. A collection of portraits, mostly done during Mozart’s lifetime, allows you to basically stand face-to-face with this musical genius. A particular joy for Mozart fans: the historical instruments, including Mozart’s own violin and clavichord.
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Mozart Residence
From 1773 to 1787, the Mozarts lived at the so-called “Dance Master’s House”, standing on today’s Makartplatz. The spacious eight-room apartment on the first floor is now home to a museum. On 26 January 1996, the Mozart Residence celebrated its reopening. In the museum, you can see – in addition to Mozart’s fortepiano – many original documents and portraits. The exhibition provides an array of interesting facts about the history of the house, Mozart’s Salzburg years and the life of the Mozart family. A multi-vision show as well as rotating exhibitions, concerts and talks offer a very rich and diverse Mozart experience.
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The Getreidegasse is the bustling heart of Salzburg’s Old City, its unmistakable charm as well as Mozart’s Birthplace making it an irresistible destination for countless visitors from around the world. Aside from an array of international fashion chains, the Getreidegasse also charms passers-by with its traditional inns and unique businesses steeped in history. Through-houses are very typical of the Salzburg historical district. The front and back of the buildings let directly out onto different streets, with an arcaded passageway connecting the two. Today, they often also feature artworks, art galleries and shops. The most famous of these is at the Schatz House, leading from No. 3 Getreidegasse to University Square. There, in a dark corner, you will encounter a poignant relief depicting the Madonna with the infant Jesus.
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Museum of Natural History and Technology
Giant dinosaurs from prehistoric times come together at the Haus der Natur with milestones of space travel, diverse underwater worlds and reptiles from the most distant corners of the globe. The journey into the human body is guaranteed to astonish you, as will the interactive experiments in the Science Center. The Haus der Natur in Salzburg is one of the biggest magnets for the general public in the city. Roaming through the museum, visitors discover the most fascinating aspects of Mother Nature. Right at the entrance, giant dinosaurs show us what the world must have looked like millions of years ago. And only a few steps away, a view out into the endless universe gives us insights into milestones of space travel.
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DomQuartier Salzburg
The DomQuartier is a unique cultural highlight in the heart of Salzburg City. In the magnificent state rooms, history comes alive, while a museum tour also allows you to enjoy imposing views of the city itself. The architectural complex we know today as the DomQuartier comprises the Cathedral and the Residenz – once the center of the prince-archbishops’ power – along with Benedictine St. Peter’s Abbey. With a single entrance ticket, visitors have the opportunity to marvel at five different Salzburg museums. The historical rooms of the DomQuartier also house various collections focused especially on the Baroque history of the city. The starting point for your tour of the DomQuartier are the baroque state rooms of the Alte Residenz. Strolling through the Residenz Gallery, you will pass through the Cathedral Museum and then into the museum of St. Peter’s. The Salzburg Museum’s Rossacher Collection of Baroque art in the northern oratories serves as the final stop on the tour. Yet another unique highlight: The tour also treats visitors to imposing views and a new appreciation for the historical district as well as the city mountains.
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Museum of Modern Art Salzburg Moenchsberg
The Museum der Moderne is located on the Mönchsberg, high above the rooftops of Salzburg’s Old City. On a total of four levels, international art treasures from the 20th and 21st centuries are presented in a stylish setting. In recent years, the Museum der Moderne has raised the bar in art matters to a whole new level. Displayed on an area of 2300 square meters are internationally acclaimed modern and contemporary art pieces, as well as works from their own collections, which the public can enjoy in a series of rotating exhibitions. The unique, puristic exhibition space never fails to excite visitors from around the world.
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Salzburg Museum
The Salzburg Museum has garnered numerous awards, an institution with its own unique character housed within the magnificently restored Neue Residenz. Aside from aesthetic presentations and valuable art objects, a number of multimedia installations also invite visitors to marvel and learn. During their reigns, the Salzburg prince-archbishops shaped the city and province in a multitude of ways. But aside from the spiritual and secular leaders, a series of other interesting men and women have done their part to enrich Salzburg as well. On the first floor of the museum an exhibition is dedicated to them, focused on themes that include art, science, architecture, literature, music, photography, the working world and craftsmanship.
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Salzburg Open Air Museum
The Salzburg Open-Air Museum lies in the middle of Untersberg Nature Park, close to Salzburg City. On an area of around 50 hectares, it documents rural buildings, lifestyles and aspects of the rural economy from the 16th to the 20th century. Here, just outside Salzburg, visitors are able to experience authentic farmhouses, the homes of craftsmen, mills, barns, a smithy and even a sawmill. In total, the Open-Air Museum presents over 100 real buildings, spread across 5 distinct areas representing each of Salzburger Land’s different regions. Demonstrations of a wide range of traditional crafts as well as seasonal folk events (including an Easter market, raising of the Maypole etc.) turn any visit to the museum into a truly interactive experience.
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Golden Roof
Innsbruck's most famous landmark shines in the heart of the historic old town. The splendid alcove balcony gets its name from the 2,657 fire-gilded copper tiles that adorn the roof. The building has reigned over medieval houses and shady arcades for over 500 years. It was built by Emperor Maximilian who very much enjoyed the view: from there he would look down over the colourful hustle and bustle of his city, watch jousting tournaments and be revered from below. The shining golden roof can be seen on entering the historic old town but it is also well worth taking a look up close. The structure below the roof is richly adorned with a wide variety of figures and images, including many curiosities. An exposed backside sticks prominently out from the Golden Roof. Admittedly, it is only a few centimetres in size and it belongs to one of the many figures set below the roof. Why bare facts? This question remains unanswered and is one of the many mysteries that surround the landmark. Maybe the revenge of medieval craftsmen who weren't paid? We can only speculate. The front of the structure is decorated with a man and two wives: Emperor Maximilian is portrayed next to his wife of the time Bianca Maria Sforza. He didn't like her much, however, and that is why his first wife – Maria von Burgund – also looks out from the relief. Another eye-catcher: Small men with twisted limbs. They are morisco dancers, who were effectively the breakdancers of the Middle Ages. The Golden Roof is a must-see for anyone visiting Innsbruck. Come to the historic old town and see for yourself. You can't miss it. In the adjoining museum, you can immerse yourself in the time of Emperor Maximilian.
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Let's set off up Linz's local mountain! An excursion to Pöstlingberg is an unforgettable experience – not only for children! Whether families visit the pilgrimage basilica, the viewing platform, the Hartlauer Photo Gallery, the zoo or the realm of fairy tales and dwarves – the Grottenbahn, they're sure to have a great time high above Linz. Or you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the city by the colourful Danube as a cosy twosome! Change your perspectives on Linz!
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Ars Electronica Center
Do you want to research, discover, experiment and investigate? Then Linz's museum of the future, Ars Electronica Center (AEC), is the perfect place for you. The UNESCO City of Media Arts at the heart of Europe offers technological pioneering combined with visionary media arts by the Danube. AEC is the gravitational centre of Linz, with its annual festival in September and the renowned Prix Ars Electronica. The striking building situated directly by the Danube houses impressive exhibitions on art, technology and society. Here, you can watch artificial intelligence thinking, train self-driving cars, program robots, print in 3D or process your own DNA with the gene scissors.
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Open Air Gallery Mural Harbor
About one hundred Graffiti, some of them of monumental size, decorate the facades of the old industrial constructions and offices at the harbor of Linz. Artists from about fifty nations transformed the beautiless docklands of Linz to an art hotspot. There are different ways to visit all the artworks in the area as for instance by boat or by foot. A professional will guide the visitors through the open-air-gallery. Every tour ends with a graffiti crash course for each guest. In the harbor of Linz are a lot of huge warehouses, containers, cranes and railways. By general desire of the habitants and the workers in the area, it has been decided to pimp up the buildings. Out of that project emerged one of the biggest coherent Graffiti-Galleries in Europe.
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The Main Square (Hauptplatz)
The Main Square (Hauptplatz) forms the centre of Linz. The city center offers lots of shops and culinary highlights. The whole year it is a location for versatile events.The Main Square of Linz is, with an area of roughly 13,200 m2, one of the largest urban squares in Europe since the 13th century. Thanks to the main square’s function as a market place, Linz soon experienced an economic boom. In the center of the main square is an impressive Trinity Column located. It is 20 metres high and made of white marble. The column is a typical symbol of the baroque period and was erected in gratitude by those who had survived a variety of disasters. The column should also protect the citizens from war, fire and plague. Many attractions of Linz are easily accessible from the main square.
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Linz Castle (Linzer Schloss)
The castle of Linz is the heart of the historical center of Linz. In the 17th century, Rudolf II had the castle built, which today is home to the Upper Austrian provincial Museum. The south wing was destroyed in the City Fire of 1800, and was rebuilt in modern glass-and-steel architecture for the Capital of Culture year 2009. It now constitute the largest universal museum in Austria - the Castle Museum. The wings of Linz Castle contain the history of culture collections of the Upper Austrian Provincial Museum. The permanent exhibitions present a walk through the artistic and cultural history of Upper Austria from the Neolithic Age up to the 20th century. The new South Wing contains the permanent exhibitions on nature and technology in Upper Austria. There is a continuous programme of special exhibitions.
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Musiktheater Linz at the Volksgarten
Musiktheater am Volksgarten in Linz is one of the most modern opera houses in Europe. Built according to plans by the London architect Terry Pawson, its opening ceremony was on April 11th, 2013 and it has been one of the cultural highlights of the UNESCO City of Media Arts by the Danube ever since. The Musiktheater, situated at the end of Landstraße, offers a wonderful ambience for operas, operettas, ballet and musicals. These are staged using multimedia and accompanied by the latest technology – you'll be fascinated by the multifaceted programme. You are guaranteed an unforgettable evening of theatre in a lovely atmosphere right at the heart of Linz's city centre. Europe's most modern opera house has plenty to offer, and the main auditorium, the Foyer Stage, the BlackBox and the BlackBox Lounge offer an uninhibited view of the performances on the stage.
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OOE Kulturquartier
OK – Offenes Kulturhaus is complex of buildings comprises the art collection of Upper Austria, the Moviemento arthouse cinema and diverse gastronomy. The „Kulturquartier“ is, because of its exhibitions and events a popular meeting point for guests and residents of Linz. The OK provides space for contemporary art trends in Linz. Regional and International Art- and Festivals, like the Crossing Europe Filmfestival choose the OK as their venue. The peculiarity of the OK lies in the longstanding experience in the sector of art production with a strong emphasis on artistic work. The OK invites young artists to use the provided rooms to give vent to their creativity and realize their ideas. The OK provides infrastructure like a music- or video-studio, ateliers and a hall for events. Visitors of the OK can expect tensing group- and solo-projects, symposiums and programs for communication of art and music. Multimedia-projects and art exhibitions that capture social aspects, let art-lovers feel the pulse of the time.
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Lentos Art Museum
Lentos Art Museum (Lentos Kunstmuseum) is situated directly by the Danube in Linz. Its impressive architecture shapes the city's image distinctly. The modern, transparent glass facade illuminates Lentos and the Danube in many colours at night. The oversized "picture frame", which pierces the building, is also striking, revealing a wonderful view of Urfahr district and Pöstlingberg, Linz's local mountain. Lentos Kunstmuseum offers modern and contemporary art in a very special ambience. Works of art from the 19th century, classical modernity (Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka) and Expressionism are presented, as well as current, contemporary artistic directions.
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Voestalpine Stahlwelt
Voestalpine Stahlwelt (steel world) in Linz presents a globally unique adventure world dedicated to steel. Austria's largest industrial site invites you to discover the latest technologies for producing steel. This interactive exhibition uses multimedia to show you what lies behind the Austrian group. The latest technologies and innovative production processes of Linz steel are presented, right through to the finished product. Experience spherical production sounds from the Linz site, the play of light and exhibits to touch. The construction of voestalpine Stahlwelt itself is also spectacular. The exhibition takes you through a giant crucible, a replica of the one used to produce steel. Oversized chrome balls, hanging from the middle of the building's ceiling, are not only an impressive eye-catcher, but also partially integrated into the exhibition.