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Architecture, Plzen

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Pilsner Urquell Brewery, the birthplace of world renowned lager Pilsner Urquell, is the biggest brewery in the Czech Republic. Beer has been brewed in Pilsen nearly since its foundation. Pilsner Urquell Brewery itself was established and built by the combined power of citizens owning the brewing rights in 1842. At the former Burrghers´ Brewery in Pilsen the first batch of bottom fermented lager, which became subsequently famous around the world under the name Pilsner Urquell, was brewed.
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Republic square
Pilsen's main square of the Republic is dominated by the beautiful Gothic cathedral of St. Bartholomew with the highest church tower in the Czech Republic. You will find many beautiful historic houses, lots of cafes and restaurants. During the year there are dozens of cultural events, festivals and festivals.
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St. Bartholomews Cathedral
The structure that really dominates Pilsen is the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew. Its building started together with foundation of the city and it was completed at the beginning of the 16th century. The cathedral is a national monument as well as housing the argillite statue on the main altar - the famous Pilsen Madonna.
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Svata Hora
Baroque complex Svatá Hora (Holy Hill), the prominent Marian pilgrimage site of Czech Lands with central Basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, is also an outstanding cultural, architectonic and historic monument of the country.
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Chateau Breznice
Originally a water keep, converted in the 16th century into a Renaissance chateau. A renaissance garden, a herb garden, and an English park surround the buildings.
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Karlstejn Castle
Karlštejn Castle was founded in 1348 by the Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor as his private residence and a place of safekeeping royal treasures, especially his collections of holy relics and the Imperial Crown Jewels. In 1355 Charles IV stayed here for the first time, overseeing the construction and decoration work, especially in chapels. The construction was completed in 1365 when the Chapel of the Holy Cross in the Great Tower was consecrated. Over the centuries the castle has always been in hands of the king or a state institution, never in private hands. Nowadays it is owned by the state. Very impressive is the preserved original stair-arrangement of individual castle buildings. The lower section with a small courtyard by the Well Tower and the Burgrave´s House continue through the majestic five-storey Imperial Palace and the Marian Tower. At the highest point, the construction of the castle culminates in a monumental, 60-meter-high Great Tower and its massive fortifications. A unique original 14th-century wall decoration, a set of 129 paintings created by Master Theodoric in the Chapel of the Holy Cross (the largest in the world), the largest portrait gallery of kings of Bohemia in the Czech Republic, a replica of the royal Crown of Bohemia, a unique castle well. The castle is also famous as a set to a comedy play Night at Karlštejn Castle by Czech poet Jaroslav Vrchlický.
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Elizabeth Spa
The Elizabeth Spa, also known as the Spa V can be found in the Smetana Park. Establishment of this important spa house dates back to the year 1906. Its name came from the name of the Empress Elizabeth (Sissi), the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I.
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Vrtba Garden
This terraced Baroque garden in the Italian style is situated on Petřín hill. Although just a few steps away from Lesser Town Square and Charles Bridge, finding it requires a great deal of attention. Passers-by tend to miss the garden’s entrance, however, if you make the Vrtba Garden your destination and pay attention to the signposts, you will find it. A bit of looking around is certainly worth it . This Baroque beauty is cut off from the hustle and bustle of the nearby tourist destinations by high walls and buildings. Thanks to them you will feel as if you were in a different, grand, ornate and perfect world.
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Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert
The biggest, most important, most beautiful. The Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle is a place of so many superlatives. Above all, it’s the spiritual symbol of the Czech nation and the resting place of Czech history’s greatest rulers. Come and learn the story of this fascinating architectural masterpiece which is among the most important cathedrals in Europe. Once you are standing in the heart of the cathedral you will feel a real rush of history. Massive pillars support magnificent vaulting, and everything is illuminated by the sun’s rays glinting through the beautifully decorated stained glass windows. The most important part of the cathedral is the exquisite St. Wenceslas Chapel, where the priceless Bohemian coronation jewels are stored behind seven locks. In the cathedral you will also find the tombs of saints, kings, princes and archbishops, the most important of which are the resting places of St. John of Nepomuk and King Charles IV. You can conclude your visit to the cathedral with an ascent of the top of the south tower, where you will be rewarded with an amazing panorama of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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Prague Castle
Which is the largest castle in the world? The one in Prague of course! You can wander around its courtyards, palaces, museums and garden all day long and whilst doing so, admire the overwhelming beauty of a place which has been the seat of Czech kings, emperors and presidents for a thousand years. The whole castle grounds are dominated by the monumental St. Vitus Cathedral, which is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Discover the secret of this symbol of the Czech Republic and a place which makes Prague one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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Charles Bridge
Prague’s oldest bridge was built to replace the Judith Bridge that had been badly damaged by floods in 1342. The Stone, or Prague, Bridge, called Charles Bridge since 1870, was begun in 1357 by Charles IV and was completed in 1402. The bridge is built of sandstone blocks, flanked at each end by fortified towers (Lesser Town Bridge Towers, Old Town Bridge Tower). From 1683 to 1928, 30 statues of saints were carved to decorate the bridge, the most famous of which is the statue of St John of Nepomuk.
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The monastery and the Church of St. Jilji
Just past the gate, we find ourselves next to a set of buildings that make up the Gothic Augustinian Monastery and the Church of St. Jiljí and the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen. The monastery was founded in 1367 and greatly contributed to the development of education and arts in southern Bohemia.
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Astronomical Clock
A fascinating mechanical performance which in the Middle Ages was considered one of the wonders of the world. The Prague Astronomical Clock, which for 600 years has been one of the greatest treasures of the city, still amazes people with its procession of Apostles, moving statues and visualization of time like no other instrument in the world.
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Old Town Square
Where does the true heart of Prague beat? On the Old Town Square of course! It is precisely here that winding lanes of the Old Town run, in order to spill out onto the most beautiful square in Prague. The elegant tower of the Town Hall with the world famous astronomical clock, the proud silhouette of the fairytale Týn Cathedral, the monumental Church of St. Nicholas and countless multicoloured houses of many styles lend this place a unique atmosphere, which will captivate all those who decide to take a look at its charm. Over the thousand years of its existence, the Old Town Square has been a silent witness to important events in Czech history. History left its mark here in the form of important demonstrations, executions but also weddings, tournaments and political meetings.
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Wenceslas Square
The city square in the centre of Prague is a traditional venue for celebrations, demonstrations, and public gatherings. It was witness to many historic moments. It is also the second-largest square in the entire Czech Republic, and is a gathering place for Prague residents. When you say, "Let's meet at the horse," everyone knows that the meetup place is the equestrian statue of the patron saint of the Czech lands: the statue of St Wenceslas, which reigns over the entire square.
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Teplice Spa
The oldest spa in Czechia and one of the oldest spas in Europe is located in the valley between the Central Bohemian Mountains and the ridges of the Krušné Mountains. Come visit the “little Paris of Bohemia” with attractively built spa buildings, parks, gardens, fountains, a long pedestrian zone and a Baroque Marian column.
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Black tower
The Renaissance tower originally served as a watchtower and belfry. The building structure is 71.9 m tall and holds 5 bells and a clockwork. Once you conquer 225 stairs (height of 45 m) you will be rewarded with a strikingly beautiful view of České Budějovice and the surroundings.
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The Stone Bridge
A Wonder of the World: The Stone Bridge. The people of Regensburg were obviously brilliant bridge-builders way back in the 12th century. The “Bruckmandl” however, the little statue on the bridge, didn’t take up his breezy position there till the middle of the 16th century.
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Regensburg Old Town Hall
Today, after numerous additions and alterations, you can admire the three-section building complex dating from the 13th century which consists of the Town Hall tower, the Gothic Imperial Chamber building and the baroque Town Hall. From 1663 to 1806 the Perpetual Imperial Assembly met in the Imperial Chamber. It was there that the well-known expressions “to put something on the long bench” (to postpone something) and “to sit at the green table” (to take important decisions) originated.
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Historic Town Hall
One of the oldest town halls in Germany and witness to the historical change in Jena. Admire the astronomical clock from the 15th century and "Schnapphans" (snatching Hans), one of the "Seven Wonders" of Jena.
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Thurn and Taxis Palace
This magnificent palace emerged from the buildings of the former Benedictine monastery of St. Emmeram. In connection with the abolition of the postal rights the royal house of Thurn and Taxis purchased the greatest part of the monastery buildings in 1810 and extended them to make them their permanent residence.
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Castle Museum & Castle Tower
The new Castle Museum exhibition was opened in 2011 by the National Heritage Institute. Museum visitors have a unique opportunity to peek into the secrets of the castle depositories relating to the most important events connected with the Rožmberk, Eggenberk and Schwarzenberg owners of the Krumlov estate. Entry to the Castle Museum exhibition is individual, without a guide but with the option to rent an audioguide. This rounded six-storied tower, surrounded by the residential palace of the Little Castle, is situated on a narrow rocky promontory towering above Latrán and the Vltava River between the Ist and IInd Courtyard of Český Krumlov Castle. The origins of this structure are partly Gothic and partly Renaissance, as is evident from the tower's external appearance. The tower as well as the Little Castle is a segment of a structure dating from the first half of the 13th century. Castle Tower The oldest part of it is the groundfloor and first floor. The origin of the second floor is around the 14th century, while the third floor is part of the Renaissance belfry. We can not eliminate the Gothic origin, however, due to the bell dated 1406. Under the architect Baldassare Maggi of Arogno, the castle was remodelled and converted from a plain Gothic palace into a Renaissance residence, and the tower was provided with an arcaded gallery at the top in 1581. In 1590 the tower was decorated with mural paintings and figural and architectural motifs by Bartoloměj Beránek - Jelínek. Castle Tower The Tower is the symbol of the town of Český Krumlov, of its history and beauty. It is "The towerest of all towers" as once characterised by Karel Čapek. The tower is publically accessible and offers a beautiful view over Krumlov and surroundings.
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Cesky Krumlov State Castle
Český Krumlov State Castle with its architectural standard, cultural tradition, and expanse ranks among the most important historic sights in the central European region. Originally Gothic castle from 13th century was enlarged in 14th century and it was rebuit in the Renaissance style in 16th century.
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Eremitage - Old Palace
Several kilometres outside the town, the Hermitage Palace, which later became known as the Old Palace, dominates the extensive park with its tree-covered slopes that rises above the Roter Main river.
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Masarykovo Square
Exiting Břežanova Street, we find ourselves on the western side of Masarykovo Square, just across from the castle gate with the Rožmberk coat-of arms. The rectangular shape of this small square comes from its former function as a marketplace, and the burgher houses were gradually built around it. The square is lined on each side with thirteen burgher houses built on extended Gothic sites with typical Renaissance and Baroque gables. On the right hand are two buildings (no. 106 and 107) that belong to the Zlatá Hvězda Hotel. They are connected with three illusive neo-Baroque gables which give the impression of three adjacent buildings instead of two. House no. 107 has a renovated original arcade and decorated semicircular and cross vaults.
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The Cathedral of St Barbara
The Cathedral of St Barbara, a jewel of the Late Gothic period and one of the four cathedral-type buildings in Bohemia, was incribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady and St John the Baptist and the historical centre of Kutná Hora.
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Dacicky House
Dačický House, located on a sloping square in sight of the Stone Fountain, is a unique exhibit in itself. At its core is a pre-Hussite house, which was generously reconstructed after 1500 for the Utraquist bishop Filip de Villanuova, and was the birthplace of the chronicler Mikuláš Dačický of Heslov in the mid-16th century.
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Kutna Hora Tyl Municipal Theatre
This historical building is, as its name suggests, associated with Josef Kajetán Tyl, an important figure of Czech theatre and the National Revival movement. J. K. Tyl, a native of Kutná Hora, was the first person to publicly formulate the idea to build an independent theatre in Kutná Hora for the then Tyl Amateur Theatre Company, which was based in Kutná Hora and of which Tyl was himself a member.
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Dresden Royal Palace
Dresden’s Royal Palace was once the hub of power for the Saxon princes and kings. First mentioned in the 14th century as a castle complex, the four-wing palace structure was developed in the 15th century. After it was destroyed by fire in 1701, the palace was reconstructed under Augustus the Strong. After air attacks during the last few months of the Second World War, the palace – with its approximately 500 halls and rooms – once again burned down to its foundations. Most of the valuable interior furnishings were lost. In 1985, reconstruction began on the palace to create a museum complex for the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections). The first museum to move into the Royal Palace was the Kupferstich-Kabinett (Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs); it has been displaying its treasures there since April 2004. The New Green Vault was opened in September 2004. Since September 2006, the Historic Green Vault can once again be admired in its original rooms. Today, the exterior of the Royal Palace is decorated in Neorenaissance style, while the large courtyard of the palace displays Renaissance-style sgraffito paintings. The Hausmann Tower overlooks the whole ensemble, offering a wonderful view of the Old Town. Starting in 2010, after five years of construction, the English Stairway in the Dresden Royal Palace is once again accessible. The Baroque stairway was reconstructed at a cost of four million euros, following its original historic pattern. In the future, it will serve as the main entrance for the museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen. The Türckische Cammer (Turkish Chamber) was also opened in March 2010, containing countless small treasures that were not open to the public for more than seventy years. The renovation of the Palace is completed since 2013.
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Procession of Princes
In the Middle Ages, knightly games and tournaments took place in the Stallhof (Stall Courtyard), which is part of the big Royal Palace complex. Today, the court between the Johanneum and the "Langer Gang" (Long Arcade) is used for cultural events. The Procession of Princes is located on the outside of the Stallhof, on Schlossplatz Square.
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Rostejn Castle
Castle was built in the first half of the 14th century. In the 1570s Zacharias of Hradec carried out a major reconstruction and ordered two enclosures for deer nearby. From 17th century to beginning of the 20th century it was used as a hunting castle.
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Trausnitz Castle
The castle, located above Landshuts and visible from afar, has only been called "Trausnitz" since the 16th century. Until then, it had the same name as the city itself. According to this, the castle was to grant the country "protection" and protection. Under Ludwig the Kelheimer, the founder of Burg and Stadt Landshut in 1204 and an important historical figure at the time of the Crusades, the Wittelsbach main castle had grown to the extent of today's core castle. In 1235, when Emperor Friedrich II was visiting Landshut, the castle was essentially completed. Today the tour takes visitors to the castle through medieval halls such as the impressive vaulted hall of the Alten Dürnitz and the castle chapel with their important sculptural decoration and the winged altars of the rich dukes. Arched cabinets, panelled parlours and the famous stairway with the monumental painted scenes from the Italian Commedia dell'arte represent the era of the Renaissance. The culmination of the castle tour is the view from the Söller on the city.
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House of Telc
The Telč´ House on the square of Zacharias from Hradec 31. The permanent exhibition about history and legends of Telč and surroundings.
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Imperial Castle
The Imperial Castle atop the rocky promontory above Nuremberg was one of the most important fortified imperial palaces of the Old Holy Roman Empire.
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Let's set off up Linz's local mountain! An excursion to Pöstlingberg is an unforgettable experience – not only for children! Whether families visit the pilgrimage basilica, the viewing platform, the Hartlauer Photo Gallery, the zoo or the realm of fairy tales and dwarves – the Grottenbahn, they're sure to have a great time high above Linz. Or you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the city by the colourful Danube as a cosy twosome! Change your perspectives on Linz!
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Pilgrimage church on Poestlingberg
This pilgrimage church, dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary and perched high above the roofs of the city, is the landmark of the Upper Austrian capital Linz. Just a few minutes' walk from the Pöstlingbergbahn stop, if offers a breathtaking view of Linz. It was built in 1748 according to plans by Matthias Krinner. The church is popular for weddings because of the unique location.