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ArtandCulture, Cape Town

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Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa
Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) is a public not-for-profit contemporary art museum that collects, preserves, researches and exhibits 21st-century art from Africa and its diaspora; hosts international exhibitions; develops supporting educational and enrichment programmes; encourages intercultural understanding, and guarantees access for all. The galleries, spread over several floors, are dedicated to a large cutting-edge collection gallery; exhibition galleries; and Centres for Art Education, Curatorial Training, Performative Practice, Photography, and the Moving Image.
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GFI Art Gallery
This Art Gallery is unique in South Africa and possibly the world, as a corporate collection being devoted to the science of aviation. It houses the complete collection of 150 paintings and sketches as published in his book of 1989 "A Portrait of Military Aviation in South Africa".
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Apartheid Museum
The Apartheid Museum is the story of the triumph of the human spirit over adversity and oppression. Beginning in 1948, the white elected National Party government initiated a process that turned more than 20 million people into 2nd class citizens, damning them to a life of servitude, humiliation and abuse. Their liberation in 1994 was the climax of a nation’s resistance, courage and fortitude. The path through the museum leads you on a journey beginning with segregation, the cornerstone of apartheid. It takes you back through the history of the myriad cultures converging during the pre-apartheid era, through the years of race classification, the 150 acts of apartheid, detentions and the oppression of the nationalist regime. You will examine the rise of black consciousness and the armed struggle, and finally witness the release of Nelson Mandela after 27 years of imprisonment which led to the negotiations for peace.
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Nirox Park
It is located on 15 hectares of landscaped gardens and waterways within an extensive private nature reserve in the heart of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. NIROX Sculpture Park is 45 minutes from the centers of Johannesburg and Tshwane.
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Afronova Gallery
AFRONOVA GALLERY, based in Africa’s powerhouse, Johannesburg, is the brainchild of the dynamic duo Emilie Demon and Henri Vergon who are developing and consolidating an innovative model of gallery together with some of the most progressive and influential artists in South Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. In recent years, AFRONOVA GALLERY showcased artists from the continent in prestigious international platforms like The Armory Show, Art Paris, 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair in New York and London. The gallery enjoys collaborations with important institutions like the PAC Milan, Iziko South African National Gallery, The Studio Museum, The Smithsonian Institution, Mass Mocca, as well as foundations like Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, Prada Fondazione in Milan, Fondation des Galeries Lafayette in Paris, JP Morgan Chase in New York, La Maison Rouge in Paris.
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African Art Centre
The Durban African Art Centre Association provides thousands of unemployed artists and craftspeople with opportunities of self-employment and economic upliftment and the ability to earn a sustainable living.
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Bulawayo National Art Gallery
Housed in one of the country’s finest monuments, the National Gallery in Bulawayo is a unique facility, which holds invigorating and challenging exhibitions. Douslin House where the Gallery is housed in more than 100 years today. Its architectural splendor makes evident the gallery’s own goal of aesthetic appreciation and artistic aim. As custodians of a growing Zimbabwean heritage, Art Gallery is tasked with the creative and intellectual discipline to select, to nurture and commend outstanding works of visual art, to select and display pivotal works, to generate and improve upon existing talent, to train and develop artistic skills, to educate, to empower, to mediate, and mostly to celebrate. Freed from some of the influences and concerns, which dominate other provinces in Zimbabwe, the unique thrust of the National Gallery in Bulawayo is its desire to dissolve barriers between art and its audience, to establish a consistent dialogue and intimacy. The personality of this gallery is embodied in its transparent windows in the Lower Gallery, which allow passers-by to view current exhibitions while going on about their daily business.
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Museu Nacional de Antropologia
Dedicated to educating people about the history and culture of Angola, the National Museum of Anthropology has a collection of over 6,000 objects and artefacts, ranging from arts, masks, musical instruments, tools, fabrics, jewelry and weaponry. There are also cultural exhibits on traditional religion, female societal rites, and other traditional ceremonies.
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Zafimaniry Art
The Zafimaniry occupy a mountainous area to the southeast of Ambositra and have developed an exceptional architectural art across the ages. Doors and windows are elaborated in wood and sculpted in the form of geometric figures representing the Zafimaniry universe. Registered as a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site, this incredible art will impress you. The Zafimaniry use 20 different species of endemic trees, each one is adapted to a specific type of construction or decorative function. The geometric motifs which decorate the shutters and windows of these wooden houses are reminiscences of magic signs designed to protect the community and to testify to its links with its environment. This is the peculiarity of their art: in the ties that the Zafimaniry weave between themselves and with nature.
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Dar National Museum
The Dar es Salaam National Museum is a site that showcases the history of Tanzania and is located at the centre of Dar es Salaam's CBD - Tanzania. It is the oldest in the country and has three large buildings. The museum was first established in 1934 by then governor of Tanganyika Harold MacMichael [1] but was not opened to the public until 1940. Since then two more buildings have been added, with the last one being the culture wing in 2011. Find out more about the history of Tanzania from as early as the 6th century or even earlier if you consider the displays about the origin of mankind; However, most of the actual information is on stories and not in the actual pictures. There are no video or audio explanations, thus a lot of reading is required to gain any information, unless of course if you got a guided tour. There also are two libraries near the entrance, one for children and one for adults. Each of these is equipped with tablets from which to browse the library's archives.
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Village Museum
Kijiji cha Makumbusho - No one interested in the local culture should miss out on this museum. Open-air display of traditional habitats and crafts. The Village Museum was established in 1996. This museum was established for the purpose of demonstrating and preservation of traditional cultures of Tanzania. Visiting the village museum is like visiting the whole of Tanzania ethnic groups. The museum displays traditional huts of about 16 different Tanzanian ethnic groups. The idea of a ‘village museum’ seems a curious paradox ­is it a village, or is it a museum? Perhaps it is neither in the conventional sense. It is certainly not a living village, but rather a collection of authentically furnished homesteads representing some of Tanzania’s many different rural cultures. Nor is it a museum in the traditional sense (there is not a glass case to be seen). All 16 houses can be entered, and there are plenty of objects to see and handle. The Kiswahili word ‘makumbusho’, ‘reminders’, is more apt here than the English ‘museum, with its classical muse associations. Herein lies not only the unique charm of the place but also the real importance of the site.
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Stone Town
It may not have a particularly romantic name, but Stone Town is the old city and cultural heart of Zanzibar, little changed in the last 200 years. It is a place of winding alleys, bustling bazaars, mosques and grand Arab houses whose original owners vied with each other over the extravagance of their dwellings. Stone Town was recently and deservedly declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
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Ghana National Museum
It was officially opened by the Duchess of Kent during the Independence celebration in March, 1957. Located on Barnes Road, close to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, the National Museum is the repository of the country’s historical and cultural treasures, as well as artifacts from other ancient African Empires. The collections range from prehistoric, archaeological discoveries to colonial antiquities and exhibits of contemporary African Art.
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Musee Municipal d'Art Contemporai
The museum is an initiative of the city council of Cocody, which was started in November 1993. Featuring a permanent exhibition of modern and contemporary works by Ivorian and other African artistes, the museum’s collection has over 150 paintings, 40 sculptural pieces, 15 ceramics, 11 tapestries and 216 books.
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Musee National
A decent little museum located centrally in the Le Plateau region, with a special focus on Ivorian art. Exhibits include; beautiful human and animal statuettes made of terracotta, jewelry, pottery, indigenous musical instruments, wooden masks and other carvings from all parts of the country.
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Sudan National Museum
Sudanese Museum is one of the main attractions of Sudan. The National Museum of Sudan is the largest museum in Sudan. Located on El Neel Avenue in Khartoum, the museum contains works from different epochs of Sudanese history.
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Khalifa House Museum
The museum is located near The Mahdi’s tomb in Omdurman. The house was built for the successor of the Mahdi. The museum was established in 1928 and contains antiquities of the Mahdist period.
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Reserva da Jaqueira
Are you travelling, but would like to have a totally different experience? Therefore, the 800 hectares of native forest and the hollows distributed throughout the Reserva da Jaqueira will impress you! The entire village is still built similarly to the original and colonial times. And you don't have to worry about anything! After all, this Indian village in Porto Seguro is fully committed to the goal of sustainable development. Therefore, tourists are very welcome and have the chance to admire celebrations, celebrations and Indians dressed in character. In addition, you can even take a risk in the practice of archery, buy handicrafts made in the tribe and participate in ecological trails. It does not stop there! The integration with the Pataxó Indians in Porto Seguro also includes the participation of rituals, body painting and the taste of typical gastronomy. Did you like the idea? So, this text was made entirely for you. Check out all the information to discover the Reserva da Jaqueira, try the fish baked in the leaf of the patio and even spend the night in the village. It's a very interesting program, isn't it? And all of this is at a very reasonable distance from the city!
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Escadaria Selaron
Rio de Janeiro is a city full of undiscovered places that make your eyes turn. The Stairs of Selarón (Escadaria Selaron) used to be one of them. A magical place, in the middle of a metropole, with nobody around. Just an occasional visitor. But not anymore. Right now the stairs, that functions as a bridge between the neighborhoods Lapa and Santa Teresa, is one of the most visited highlights in the city. Thousands of people pass by every day. But the magic still exists. The best time to visit the Stairs of Selarón is early morning before 10 am. After that time the tour agencies will arrive with loads of tourists until the end of the day. Of course, in low season – between April and Juni and September and November – you can get lucky during the day. Best spot is the upper part of the steps where you can find a more quiet corner with the Brazilian flag.
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Parque Lage
At the foot of the Corcovado Mountain, Parque Lage delights with 52 hectares of pure green, cultural and art programs. Originating from an old sugar mill, the park makes part of the historic memory of the city. In 1957, it was tumbled by the IPHAN like as historical and cultural heritage of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The main edification of the space, a big house of the XIX century, the Visual art school, works in Parque Lage (EAV), which offers free formation to beginner artists, training courses in art for youth, plus an intense program of exhibitions, seminars, lectures and video shows. EAV also have a library and auditorium with capacity for 150 people. On the main mansion courtyard by the pool, the BistrôPlage offers a delicious breakfast, more lunch and dinners with organic product which can be savored with the art and music events that happens on the place every year. In several weekends, ParqueLage crosses the down with art parties and festivals and music sponsored by initiative private and public.
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Santa Teresa
Santa Teresa, the neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro that retain its colonial charm. Santa Teresa is located on top of the Santa Teresa hill and presents a magnificent view of the city. It is one of the few neighborhoods to resist development in order to retain its colonial charm. It is famous for its winding, narrow streets and for being an artistic hotspot. The construction of the Santa Teresa in the 18th century convent marked the beginning of the development of this neighborhood. Its natural scenery, the pleasant atmosphere and easy access to downtown Rio make this an attractive neighborhood. It is currently a popular tourist site as the area has its fair share of restaurants with live music, cultural centers and other attractions. Its bars and nightclubs are popular with both natives and tourists.
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Christ the Redeemer Statue
In the top of the mountain is installed Christ the redeemer, one of the most wanted touristic sides of Rio de Janeiro. Biggest and most famous scripture Art Déco of the world, the Christ statue started to be planned in 1921 and it was developed by the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa over 5 years of job, from 1926 to 1931, the opening year of the monument. It’s located at Parque Nacional da Tijuca, 710 meter above the sea level, where anybody can appreciate one of the most beautiful views of the city. Over all 220 steps that lead to the famous statue feet, it was elected one of the Seven Wonders of the World made by formal voting in 2007 by the Swiss Institution New 7 Wonders Foundation. The monument is accessible by train, van or car.
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Caixa Cultural Museum
Nice architectural eclectic model from the beginning of the XX century. It has housed, for a long time, the stock market of Pernambuco and Paraíba. It has recently been restored and, nowadays, is a cultural center.
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Church Our Lady of the Rosary of Black
Built by one of Brazil's first black brotherhoods, it stands out for its grandeur and beauty. Founded in 1685 by one of the first brotherhoods of black men in Brazil, the Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos Church was erected in Pelourinho by black religious and slaves who lived in Salvador . It took decades to complete (from 1704 to 1780), as members of the brotherhood could only work on the building in their spare time. The rococo towers with bulb endings are lined with tiles with scenes from the devotion to the Rosary of Lisbon, dating from 1790. Inside, there are panels depicting scenes from the life of Saint Dominic and, besides the image of the saint who lends the In the name of the Church, there are also images of Saint Benedict, Saint Anthony of Catgera and the Crucified Christ, in ivory. The altars are in neoclassical style and, in the back, there is an old slave cemetery.
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Mercado Modelo
Mercado Modelo is a summary of Bahia’s culture, the origin of Brazil. It all started here! Surrounded by other city postcards, you can use the Lacerda Elevator and visit the Historic Center (in the Upper Town) on the same day. The building, constructed in 1861 to run the Customs House, went through some fires, but kept the original neoclassical architecture. So beautiful! Bring coins, change, bargain, after all, bargaining is part of Bahian culture! There are more than 250 local artisanal stores, souvenirs, clothes, sweets, cachaças, Bonfim’s famous stripes and other things from Bahia! Traditional restaurants such as “Maria de São Pedro” and “Camafeu de Oxóssi”. There are also more modest options. The smell of acarajé reminds us that this is an awesome option! If the basement is open for visitation, go without fear… or with fear! Lol! Kidding! Go there! There’s a lot of history in that place!
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The Historic Center of Joao Pessoa
On December 6, 2007, the Historic Center of João Pessoa was recognized as a national patrimony, having been registered in the Historical and Archaeological, Ethnographic and Landscape Tombo Books of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan).
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Liberty Square Cultural Circuit
The Praça da Liberdade is not just something you see on a postcard of Belo Horizonte. Throughout its 100-year history, it has been the scene of important political decisions, social movements and even cultural, leisure and sporting events. Since 2010, the square has been an additional source of pride. Following the relocation of the state government offices to Cidade Administrativa, the buildings were converted into museums and spaces that now make up the Praça da Liberdade Cultural Circuit. One of its points of difference is the institutional management of the spaces, which permits a greater connectivity and diversity of cultural programmes. The complex is supported by the Sérgio Magnani Cultural Institute in partnership with the Government of Minas Gerais. Whoever visits the Praça da Liberdade Cultural Circuit can also visit three other spaces that are within easy reach: the Minas Tênis Culture Centre, Casa Una Culture Centre and the Belas Artes Cinema. In addition to being of great symbolic and architectural value to the city, the area is home to several places that exhibit the vast majority of Minas Gerais's cultural diversity and art that is known worldwide, all within a few blocks.
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Franscisco de Assis Church
Most famous postcard of the capital city of Minas Gerais, the church is a rare gemstone located at the rim of the Pampulha Lagoon. Also known as Pampulha Chapel, the São Francisco de Assis Church opened its doors in 1943, but it was only truly recognized by Church authorities 14 years later, in 1959, due to some debate regarding its unorthodox shape. Considered avant-garde, the Church is a small masterpiece of the Pampulha Architectural Complex. It was designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer and its interior houses the famous Via Crucis, consisting of 14 panels of Cândido Portinari. The Church also features the Burle Marx gardens, the bronze bas-relief sculptures carved by Alfredo Ceschiatti, and an abstract panel created by Paulo Werneck. The exterior is decorated with more beautiful Portinari panels, made in white and blue tiles, depicting Saint Francis next to a skinny dog, instead of the traditional wolf. The originality and boldness of Niemeyer consolidated this church as a true modern age landmark. It was the first Brazilian church with modernist traces, and its vertical and horizontal curves mesh together in unique and perfect harmony.
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The Museum of Folklore
The Museum of Folklore of São José dos Campos is a cultural space of the Cultural Foundation Cassiano Ricardo (FCCR) that works under the management of the Center for Studies of Popular Culture (CECP), through an agreement signed between the parties.
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Centro de Turismo
The location of Forró with Tourist is a separate attraction. The building where the Natal Tourism Center operates today enjoys one of the most privileged views of the urban beaches of Natal, the Potengi River, the Reis Magos Fortress and the Newton Navarro Bridge (Natal - Redinha). This is where we meet every Thursday for Forró com Turista. Today, the Center is one of the best handicraft centers in Rio Grande do Norte, where each old cell is a small shop with the most diverse types of our crafts. It is currently administered by a publicly recognized association with the support and supervision of the State Secretariat of Tourism. With over forty years of existence, the Natal Tourism Center has become one of the main attractions for visitors arriving in the city. The fact of adding a range of services and options in a historic building is undoubtedly a difference compared to other Christmas craft centers. Those who come to the Tourism Center not only take, but also keep strong memories of a space where you can find the best products of potiguar crafts, art and culture.
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Ibirapuera Park
Opened in 1954, during Sao Paulo's 400th anniversary, the Ibirapuera Park has a 1.6 million m² area and sports courts, bicycle racks and restaurants. The project was led by Oscar Niemeyer, the architect who created most of the buildings in Brasilia. It also involved several professionals, such as architects Ulhoa Cavalcanti and Zenon Lotufo, besides landscapers Burle Marx and Augusto Teixeira Mendes. The Ibirapuera has been elected "one of the 10 best urban parks in the world" by The Guardian, and it gathers athletes in the running lanes, soccer courts and open gym equipment. It also charms people looking for culture. The Museu de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Museum), the Museu de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Museum), the Museu Afro Brasil (Afro Brazil Museum), the Auditorio Ibirapuera (Ibirapuera Auditorium), the Pavilhão Japonês (Japanese Pavilion) and the Oca are all in the park. Take the time to also visit the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (Masp), which is only 6 km away.
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Afro Brasil Museum
The Afro Brasil Museum is a public institution under the Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo and administered by the Afro Brasil Museum Association - Social Organization of Culture. Located in Padre Manoel da Nóbrega Pavilion, within the most famous Park of São Paulo, Ibirapuera Park, the Museum preserves, in 11 thousand m2 a collection with more than 6 thousand works, including paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs, documents and pieces. ethnological works by Brazilian and foreign authors, produced between the eighteenth century and today. The collection encompasses several aspects of the African and Afro-Brazilian cultural universes, addressing themes such as religion, work, art, slavery, among other themes in recording the historical trajectory and African influences in the construction of Brazilian society.
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Beautiful visual arts museum specialized on brazilian artists of the last 200 years. Located on the Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo building, the Pinacoteca was open in 1905 and is the oldest art museum in the city of São Paulo. Its art collection has approximately 1900 artistic, bibliographic and archival items. The art gallery displays works such as São Paulo by Tarsila do Amaral and Mestizo by Candido Portinari. In recent years, the museum received important exhibitions, such as Ron Mueck, seen by 402 thousand people. Listed as a historic site, the Parque da Luz and the museum’s garden displays about 50 sculptures of contemporary artists, such as Victor Brecheret Lasar Segall and Amílcar de Castro.
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Portuguese Language Museum
To appreciate the diversity of the portuguese language, to celebrate it as a paramount and founding element of our culture and to bring it closer to its speakers worldwide.The Museu da Língua Portuguesa was born aiming at this target. The inauguration took place on March the 20th , 2006. The chosen location to accommodate the Museum was the Estação da Luz, situated in the heart of São Paulo – city with the largest Portuguese-speaking population in the world – and a site of historical importance to the state capital and to Brazil. The station was one of the main crossing points for immigrants arriving in the country and, to this day, a dynamic place that provides contact and interaction among several cultures and social classes, sheltering accents from all parts of Brazil. During almost 10 years of its operation, the Museu da Língua Portuguesa welcomed 3.931.040 visitors, who have lived the experience of connecting themselves even more with the language, its origins, its history, its influences and the variations it takes within the population’s everyday life.