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HistoricalSites, Ostrava

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Silesian Ostrava Castle
A medieval monument in an industrial city – Silesian Ostrava Castle.Valuable historical monuments can be seen even in the industrial city of Ostrava.
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3 Maja Street
3 Maja Street (former paniaga) is one of the oldest and prettiest streets downtown. An elegant promenade of our city, a place of family and friendly meetings. This oldest city route was created shortly after Rzeszów was granted city rights (in 1354). He connected the headquarters of the then owners of the city (the area of ​​the later built Lubomirski Castle) with the Parish Church and the Bernardine Fathers' Monastery. It begins at Farny Square and the intersection with Kościuszki Street, and ends at the branch where the Lubomirskich Avenue and Zamkowa Street start. The current street name was given to it in 1891 on the occasion of the centenary of the 3rd May Constitution. Initially it was Zamkowa Street, then Pijarska Street, then Pańska Street, it was called Paniaga in the dialect of Rzeszów. In the buildings on the east side of the street behind the building of the "Galeria Paniaga", a large section of the street is occupied by the frontage of the complex of the former Piarist convent, and then two banking buildings. A statue of Stanisław Konarski, unveiled in 1989, by Kazimierz Mierczyński is standing in front of the building of the former college, now I LO. The buildings on the west side of the street, from Farny Square, are opened by a corner tenement house No. 2 built around 1840, which once housed the printing house and the first Andrzej Pelar bookstore in Rzeszów. Further, behind the branch of Jagiellońska Street, there are two stately Art Nouveau tenement houses.
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Olomouc castle
You simply should not miss the Olomouc castle site situated on the Wenceslas Hill! Right here in 1306, the last Přemyslid, the Czech king Wenceslas III, was assassinated. You can admire the Bishop's Palace with its famous Romanesque windows, the gothic St. Wenceslas Cathedral, today the seat of the Archbishop of Olomouc, or the Archdiocesan Museum founded on the initiative of Pope John Paul II.
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Holy Trinity Column
The Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc is the largest group of Baroque statues within a single sculptural monument in Central Europe. The column reaches a height of 35 metres and its lower part houses a chapel. The sculptural decoration is made of 18 stone sculptures of saints, 12 light-bearers and 6 relief busts of the apostles. The column is dominated by gilded copper sculptures of the Holy Trinity on the top and the Assumption of the Virgin beneath it. The larger-than-life figures are enveloped in light, airy drapery with lively expressions on their faces and corresponding gesticulations of their hands. The overall sculptural decoration has a natural and harmonious appearance without being exaggerated in the typically flamboyant and exaggerated Baroque mode.
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Kromeriz Gardens
During the summer, Kroměříž is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. The local gardens, which are included in the UNESCO world heritage list, represent a perfect symbiosis of light, plants, water, art and architecture. The Castle and Gardens are some of the most beautiful in Europe.
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Brno underground
Proof of the fact that the Moravian capital still has its secrets, is the newly renovated Brno underground under Zelný trh. It was only recently that a tour route was opened here for the general public, which leads under the surface of one of the oldest squares in Brno.
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Moravian Museum
The museum was created back in 1817 by means of an imperial decree by František I, and nowadays it contains over six million items. Take a closer look at prehistoric life in Pavilon Anthropos where you will see a life-size mammoth and all the things a prehistoric family had to face.
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Spilberk Castle
A prison shrouded in horrific legends, valuable historical collections, a beautiful view over the city and many cultural events held throughout the year – all of this is Špilberk Castle. One of the two most important dominant features of the Moravian capital and a place which became synonymous with the most horrific of dungeons throughout the whole of Europe is nowadays one of the most valuable monuments in Brno. Špilberk’s importance and role changed fundamentally over the course of the centuries. This leading royal castle and seat of the Moravian margraves, gradually transformed into a monumental Baroque fortress, the toughest prison of the Austrian monarchy and later a military barracks. Nowadays it is home to Brno City Museum and one of the most important cultural centres in the city.
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Veveri Castle
The castle was held in possession of various noblemen and its history is interwoven with a number of myths and legends. Today it is a venue of various cultural and social events. At the foot of the castle there is a steamboat stop.
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Mikulov Historic Market Square
The great fire of the original wooden houses in 1584 gave rise to Mikulov square in its present form. Part of the square, which is also the entrance to Mikulov Castle, is formed by houses with a Renaissance core and picturesque arcades. Probably the most interesting of the Renaissance buildings is the bourgeois Knights’ House (dům U Rytířů), which was created after the rebuilding of several Gothic buildings in the second half of the 16th century. At first glance, you can not overlook it on the square due to its sgraffito decoration with biblical and ancient scenes covering two-thirds of the house. The painting draws attention to the fact that it was originally a two-story house. Another feature of the square is the statue of the Holy Trinity, in addition to showing the Trinity it also displays angels that symbolize faith, hope and love. The column is complemented by statues of St. John of Nepomuk, St. Francis Xavier and Charles Borromeo, who were supposed to protect the inhabitants of the city from the plague. The Plague Column was built during the reign of the Dietrichsteins in 1724.
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Mikulov Castle
One of the most picturesque castles in Moravia. The silhouette of this monumental castle in South Moravia is visible from afar. In its time it has played host to a number of important personalities, such as French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
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Wroclaw Old Town Hall
Old Town Hall is a unique Gothic building in European architecture. It has 2 storeys, 3 parts with a rectangular building of the councils, which is attached to the northern wall and a square tower. Located in the city centre, it was being built for about 250 years (13 - 16th century). It used to serve as the seat of the city authorities and the court. The oldest part of the Town Hall was built ca. 1299 (according to the sources). This part is called consistorium (Latin: place of gatherings) and now belongs to the building. The consistorium has two parts: the underground hall covered with the ceiling and the Western tower. After buying the rights of the voyt, the meaning of the Council was much bigger. The growing number of the Council members demanded a new building. In the years 1328-1333, near the consistorium a new, smaller building was built - praetorium (Latin: the seat of the leaders). The building is the northern part of the Town Hall, near the square with the whipping post. Since the very beginning the Town Hall has witnessed many important historical events and has been a representative building where the authorities invited their honourable guests. This tradition is still alive. The most important world leaders, monarchs, clergy and artists have been invited into the Town Hall. In the cellar of the building there is one of the oldest restaurants in Europe - the legendary Piwnica Świdnicka.
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Hradek u Nechanic Castle
Near the Hrádek village, the Hrádek u Nechanic Castle was built between 1839 and 1857 on so-called Lubenský hill. It was built as a prestige summer residence of the county family of Harrach by František Arnošt, the count of Harrach, an important representative of the Jilemnice family line.
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Znojmo Underground
The Znojmo Underground extends over several levels and is one of the largest underground labyrinths in Central Europe. Decide whether you would rather take the traditional tour, which mainly introduces you to the history of the city, or have a spookier experience on a less traditional tour along an alternative route.
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The gigantic Slavín war memorial is visible from much of the city. On a hill overlooking the castle, it commemorates the city’s liberation by the Red Army in April 1945.
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Michael's Gate
The bulbous yet elegant copper roof of Michael’s Gate is one of the symbols of Bratislava. The roof of the original gothic tower, built in the mid 14th century, was modified between 1753 and 1758 to give it its current, baroque style. The 51 meters tall tower has seven floors, and the superb view of the old town from the upper terrace of the tower is one of Bratislava’s top visitor experiences.
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Primatial Palace
The Primate’s Palace is one of the most beautiful classicist buildings in Slovakia. Portraits of Hungarian rulers are exhibited in the picture gallery. An impressive part of the gallery is a collection of six tapestries found in the reconstruction of the palace.
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Bratislava Old Town Hall
The history of the Old Town Hall dates back to the beginnings of the mediaeval town in the 13th century. It was then that the original Romanesque house of Mayor Jakub became the property of the city. Over the course of time Unger’s House and Pawer’s House were annexed to it. The most complete element in the neo-Gothic reconstruction is the chapel of St Ladislav, with its unique wall paintings from the 15th century. In 1581 a renaissance arcade was added. The building normally houses the Bratislava City Museum, the oldest in the city (1868). When open, the museum features an exhibition of the feudal justice system, as well as the remarkable interior of the town hall building and original furnishings from the municipal court. In summer, cultural programmes are held in the beautiful renaissance courtyard and concerts are held in the tower.
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Bratislava Castle
The former seat of the rulers, today the symbol of Bratislava and the seat of the Museum of History. There is a wonderful view of the city and the neighbouring countries from its 47-metre-high crown tower in which royal coronation jewels used to be deposited.
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Devin Castle
The oldest traces of Slavic settlement date from the 8th century, and in the 9th century a fortress from the period of the Great Moravian Empire is believed to have stood here, linked to ruler Prince Rastislav.
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Rostejn Castle
Castle was built in the first half of the 14th century. In the 1570s Zacharias of Hradec carried out a major reconstruction and ordered two enclosures for deer nearby. From 17th century to beginning of the 20th century it was used as a hunting castle.
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House of Telc
The Telč´ House on the square of Zacharias from Hradec 31. The permanent exhibition about history and legends of Telč and surroundings.
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Kutna Hora Tyl Municipal Theatre
This historical building is, as its name suggests, associated with Josef Kajetán Tyl, an important figure of Czech theatre and the National Revival movement. J. K. Tyl, a native of Kutná Hora, was the first person to publicly formulate the idea to build an independent theatre in Kutná Hora for the then Tyl Amateur Theatre Company, which was based in Kutná Hora and of which Tyl was himself a member.
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Dacicky House
Dačický House, located on a sloping square in sight of the Stone Fountain, is a unique exhibit in itself. At its core is a pre-Hussite house, which was generously reconstructed after 1500 for the Utraquist bishop Filip de Villanuova, and was the birthplace of the chronicler Mikuláš Dačický of Heslov in the mid-16th century.
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The Cathedral of St Barbara
The Cathedral of St Barbara, a jewel of the Late Gothic period and one of the four cathedral-type buildings in Bohemia, was incribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady and St John the Baptist and the historical centre of Kutná Hora.
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Plague Column
Column in honour of the Holy Trinity and the crowned queen of heavens, Mary. The Plague Column was erected in 1713 by order of the "Royal Town of Eisenstadt". It was meant to serve as plea to God to free the city from the plague. On the pedestal there are representations of Saint Rochus, Sebastian, Kajetan, John of Nepomuk and Saint Rosalie. Right above them is a cartouche featuring the coat of arms of the city. At the feet of Saint Francis there is a plaque with rolled up ends on both sides. On the slender, Corinthian column wrapped with bay leave twigs there are: God the Father and Jesus, as well as the coronation of Mary, above them all hovers the Holy Spirit.
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Bishops Castle and Episcopal Palace
The traces of Roman building activities have been found in the foundation of the castle. Its oldest parts are the lower section of the tower castle, the so-called runaway corridor dating from the XIV. century, as well as the adjacent cross-vaulted hall.
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Gyor Old Town Hall
Above the beautiful bay window of the Baroque building the coat of arms of Győr can be seen; the city archives can be found in this house.
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Krems old town
Krems is one of the oldest cities in the land; the first documented reference to it dates to 995. Visitors to the city encounter a millenium of history at every step - on the streets and squares, in old monasteries and churches, in burgher houses and fortification structures. A stroll through Krems and Stein is always a rewarding experience - and a pleasurable one, with all the cafes, restaurants and heurige bidding passers-by to stop in and enjoy.
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Goettweig Abbey
The Göttweig Abbey is a treasure overlooking the Wachau from a hill covered by vineyards and forests. Often called the “Austrian Montecassino” because it is visible from great distances—a characteristic that provides epic panoramas when you visit. Göttweig Abbey was founded in 1083—although the current baroque building was constructed after a fire in the early 18th century. If you visit the abbey today you'll experience High Baroque in all its splendour. For example, the monumental imperial staircase with the ceiling fresco by Paul Troger from 1739 is one of the largest and most beautiful staircases of its kind in the world. The library and the archives of Göttweig Abbey house a huge trove of visual art and a comprehensive music collection. The abbey shows its art collections during special annual exhibitions staged in the adjoining royal and imperial rooms. The church houses the largest chimes of any church in Austria. To the south you'll find the highest elevated orchard of the famous Wachau apricot, with information on various aspects of the Wachau apricot.
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Eisenstadt City Hall
The structural fabric of the town hall dates back to 1560 and was changed after the city had been elevated to a royal free-trade zone in 1648. The architectural basis is thought to go back to early renaissance. The diamond-shaped ashlar of the portal points to this era, too. The one-storey building with a broad front featuring two round oriels on the sides and a rectangular oriel in the centre has been refurbished during the baroque; a massive attic has been built on top of it during the same period. The murals discovered in 1926 probably also go back to the early renaissance period and have been adapted to fit the baroque tastes later on. In 1949 Rudolf Holzinger repainted them by closely sticking to old patterns. He also completed the missing pictures.
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Haydn House Eisenstadt
When he got promoted to conductor in 1766, Haydn bought this house and lived there with his wife Aloisia Keller until 1778. Haydn and Eisenstadt are inseparable. From 1761 on, Haydn worked as conductor for the Esterházy court for more than 40 years. Five years after his commission to the Esterházy court, he bought the baroque house situated in what is now called 21 Haydngasse. He lived there for 12 years. Numerous furniture items and original instruments make this collection a true feast for all senses.
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Esterhazy Palace
Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt is one of the most beautiful baroque castles in Austria and gives an impressive insight into the former glittering life at the court of the Princes Esterházy. With the authentic ambience and the excellent acoustics of the Haydn Hall, Esterházy Palace is still the center of cultural events: here concerts are given, festivals celebrated and glamorous exhibitions shown. An exciting counterpoint is the former stables opposite the castle. Together they form the Schlossquartier Eisenstadt, where contemporary and historical, music and art, culinary and wine meet each other in a unique way.
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Jewish Museum Eisenstadt
In 1972 the Austrian Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt was established as Austria’s very first Jewish museum after 1945. It is located in the town’s former Jewish district, near Palace Esterházy, in Palais Samson Wertheimer. In the course of your tour, you can visit not only the museum exhibitions, but also the synagogue belonging to the Palais Wertheimer, as well as both Jewish cemeteries, on a roundabout walk through the ancient Judengasse. The small synagogue to the former Hungarian state rabbi Samson Wertheimer (1658-1724) is the gem of the building and the museum. It numbers among the very few synagogues in the German speaking area which was not destroyed in the so-called Reichskristallnacht in November 1938 or during the period following.